Monday, July 20, 2009


• P. snatch: 65x4, 75x2x2,85x2x2 (i think)
• P. Clean + Jerk: 95x4?, 105x2, 110x2, 115x2?, 125x1x3 (FAIL on jerk.)

Have been watching a lot of olympic oly videos so I wanted to go heavier today. The heavy jerks were just a bit too far forward and I just didn't get enough drive at that point.

• Bench: 65x5, 75x4, 85x3x2, 100x3x5 (80)

• Squat: 45x6, 95x5, 115x5, 135x5x2, 145x4x5 (75)

My hips were feeling really tight by these last sets.

• Bench: 65x6, 80x6x2, 90x6x4 (70)

The last sets were non-trivial.
• DB bench: 20sx10x5

• Stiff legged deadlift: 45x8x5
Would rather it be single-leg, but was rushing to finish.

I need to make sure I get better sleep/rest before these heavy days, I was definitely feeling drained in the last half of the workout; the night before this I slept 5 hours, woke up at 4:30am, slept for another 1.5 hours until 9:30, and napped in the car/restaurant before lifting.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

I'd like to see video of your jerks, but if you watch weightlifting videos you'll notice that most of the good lifters will be standing with the bar across their chest with their back very arched (more than might look normal). I had a problem with not doing this for a long time and it sent the bar forward and/or caused the bar to slip down my shoulders on the dip. The arch really forces you to put the weight in the legs, transferred through the mid-back, instead of the weight being on the shoulders. Let me know if that helps.

Deirdre said...

I definitely don't think I'm arching back enough, and getting my head through fast enough to catch it straight up, rather than forward. Will try to tape my lifts for your expert eyes.