Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hang Power snatch bel. kn. 70/4 81/2 x 5 (75%)
Snatch 77/2 86/2 x 2 97/1 x 6 (90%) missed 3 got 3
So I work out at Crossfit Newport Beach, and today they were having this nutrition thing at 6, which meant that I had 20 minutes to work out there. I was pretty rushed which is why I think I missed those three. They felt really light. I missed 2 behind, which is an improvement.

Snatch pull below knee 86/4 x 2 97/3 x 2 108/2 x 3
BTN Press 3 x 6 x 95lb
Back Squat 102/4 152/5 x 3 (80%)
Good mornings 4 x 3 185, 205, 205, 205
Vertical jump holding the bar in a snatch grip 55/5 x 4 (50%)

Overall good workout, the weights feel light.

So I'll explain what I'm doing for the next 8 weeks. I'm repeating The last preparatory period and the competition period right after it for class II, and at the scheduled competition day I'm going to test (obviously). I should definitely hit class I this time so that I can move up to the class I program. I need to get more flexible anyway before I transition to a stage where I'm doing more assistance lifts and fewer classical lifts. I'm also midifying the program to do more pressing (I'll be pressing almost every workout) because my upper body strength is not very good. It doesn't need to be amazing but I think it'll help.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

I forgot to mention that I do all of my overhead pressing from a dead stop because by far the hardest part is getting the bar off my shoulders. I can rep my 1 rep max because once I get it overhead it's easy to go down and up, even with a full range of motion thanks to the stretch reflex.

Phil Russell said...

Jake, what is your estimated 1RM for the Standing Press? Since you haven't trained that lift much, you should be able to advance fairly quickly using a linear increase in weight per session/week.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Like 165 or so. I increase weight pretty much every workout or at least every week.

Phil Russell said...

Vasily Alekseyev would be proud. 36-egg omelette for you!

Jake Ceccarelli said...

I had a sandwich with bacon and an egg (in the sandwich as well) fried in the bacon grease last night. Does that count?