Monday, October 20, 2008

My First Date with the Centurion Squat Suit

405 x 1, straps down
455 x 1, straps down
495 x 1, straps up
This felt horrible. If there was a video of it, it would show me popping out of the hole 3" and then completely stopping. At this point, i'm like "wtf, I triple this," so then I push the weight back up. I was planning on 550 x 3 today, but decided to back it off a bit to get used to the suit.

525 x 3.
These felt much easier. I will probably try 550 x 3 in two weeks to see whether I will open with that or use it as a second attempt. Video of the set:

The rest of the guys started cleaning while I was finished up the squatting and some Douchie LaRue was giving the guys trouble about taking up the platform forever. So he jumped in before I could even get a set in.

0 x 0 (FAIL)

Pause Squats
365 x 3 @ 5 seconds
315 x 5 @ 5 seconds
315 x 5 @ 5 seconds

These felt good, hips were tired afterwards.

I didn't finish squatting until 8:15, so we were running long. We finished with banded decline abs. I'll just have to work my legs harder on thursday.


Nathan Beckmann said...

Good shit Dave. Go on gtalk once in a while, eh?

Nathan Beckmann said...

That shit looked easy, even though your first was super unstable.