Monday, August 15, 2011

Ryan Squat 8/15/11

295 x3
305 x3
315 x3
325 x3
335 x3 (10lb PR)

Front Squats-
155 x5
185 x5
195 x5
205 x5 (10lb Pr)

Pause Squats-
225 x3
235 x3
245 x3

Explosive Squat Jumps
Foam roller abs


Luke said...

very nice squat

Vit said...

Nice work on the PR Ryan. You hit the hole hard on every rep which is good. Remember to push those knees out and also stabilize the weight on your back before you walk it back.

Greg said...

Nice weight Ryan. Form looks good.

Ryan said...

Thanks guys.

Vit, that's my most important aspect of improving my squat form-my knees. I'm trying to consciously push them out as much as I can. Practice, I suppose