195 x5
215 x5
230 x5 (5lb PR)
Foam Roller Press-
245 x5
265 x5
275 x5
275 x3 (racked it, didn't fail)
Benching has been putting a lot of aggravation on my shoulder, and skull crushers are the absolute worst thing for it.
Standing tricep extension SS weighted dips-
150(stack) x12
170 (added 20lb DB) x9
170 x8
weighted tricep-dips w/ plate
P. Rows-
135 x8
145 x8
155 x8
165 x8
I really like these. Felt great. I watched the video and kept my range of motion to virtually zero. Didn't allow my back to move at all, just kept an arch as much as possibly, and flat back, parallel to the floor. Explosive pull all the way to chest, then back down to floor for a very brief pause and disengage.
up to 495 x5
I could have done more, but these were a big strain on my shoulder.
Cable Ball Crunches x3 up to 82lbs on stack
Instead of skull crushers, try doing one-arm dumbbell tricep extensions. See youtube. Those might a bit easier on your shoulder but are still a highly effective tricep exercise (mor so than the cable extensions).
I'll give it a shot but even doing it without weight in my hand still gives me aggravation in my shoulder. I think it would be a lot more feasible if I did them on a day other than bench.
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