Monday, August 1, 2011





A nice training session. I'm getting the hang of the high bar position, and it seems like I have 100% better squat form with it. I actually complete the lift with my quads, hams, and glutes (instead of my lower back). Going beltless with the high bar is one hell of an ab workout too.

I have decided on a "thumb's length from the smooth" grip for my bench. I can't grind very well with this grip, but it is a lot more explosive off the chest than my wider grip. Additionally, I have been experiencing zero elbow pain (even though I am pressing 6-7 days/week), and I attribute this to doing diligent biceps work. Food for thought.


Nick said...

Your bench form reminds me of this

Juggernaut, the said...

This is the third day in a row you haven't hit you daily squat minimums. What gives?

Kyle said...

I think I tried a little bit too much too soon Dave. My form was starting to go to shit, and my left hip was feeling strange. Since most of the reason I am squatting so frequently is to make it a natural movement, I don't want to develop bad habits.

I still have plenty of time to get my strength up for the November meet, and I want to try and train as much as possible without getting injured as usual lol.

Greg said...

Kyle, I'm sure your form is perfect for these squat sets you're hitting.

I like your idea of hitting daily minimums so you don't get rusty, 275 is nothing weight on the bar for you, you have immense strength, but if you get rusty you might feel differently.

I would try working in your daily minimum for a few singles and focus hard on your form, that will really test it. Just like muscle adaptions, to a certain point your form won't improve if you're only hitting 230.

Vit said...

Another option is doing 5x5 and putting on some muscle and some strength. As a healthy and fully developed 22 year old boy, your body can and will handle a good amount of volume.

Injuries happen, but at some point you're going to have to add some volume to get stronger. You're advanced enough in your training to the point where its going to have to be a little more complex than just the three main lifts.

I miss the Kyle that was talking shit about my weak deadlift :(