So I reset my deadlift form again, and I decided to give sumo stance a legitimate try, so I'll be doing that this 6 week cycle. Notes: Sumo feels much more comfortable on my entire body, though I can't lift as much weight. I think that I'll adapt, and I'd like to see what comes of this 6 weeks.
365 x5
405 x5
425 x4+f lockout
Deficit (conventional)-
275 x8
295 x8
315 x8
GHR x3
Cable crunches x3
calves x3
close grip pull-ups x3
Note: A friend of my is a PT and is training in sports medicine, and worked my hamstrings by standing and pulling outwards on my leg will stretching out my leg, which not only took the stress from behind my knee away, but felt awesome on my hamstrings. I've implemented this the last 2 PNF sessions with Mis and I think he and I both agree this is a great form of PNF.
Ryan, post up a video of your sumo dead. There is a lot more technique involved than conventional, and it would be a lot of help to see if there are any potential issues that need to be ironed out.
I will do that.
=[ come back to the conventional side lol no but im interested to see how these 6 weeks go, I think you'll like sumo less strain on the back
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