Thursday, November 3, 2011

Luke 11-3-11 Deadlift

found out I got kicked off the google group today. I'm failing myself and the team right now. This past quarter trying to learn the gear and focusing on nationals (and myself) has put me in a really bad place mentally. I don't want to get into the details, but what is really upsetting me is this: powerlifting used to be something fun that took my mind off of personal problems, but now it is a cause of stress both in the gym and outside.

Deadlift sumo in super centurion
385 x 1 @ 8-
455 x 1 @ 9-
455 x 1 @ 9

Conventional Block pulls off 2 fat 45's
445 x 5
465 x 3 these feel hard to get started

Deficit sumo
315 x 6
345 x 5

1 set of kettlebell swings...

Meet Attempts
424.2, 457.2, 473.7
198.2 raw, 225.7, 236.7
418.7 or whatever it takes to total 1075, 468.2, 501.5

1 comment:

Greg said...

You're experiencing the most competitive and technically challenging part of the sport. And now that you've been focusing on nationals you can see that it really is a sport versus just a "deload" of the rest of life.

My only advice is to not take everything so hard, and not be so hard on yourself.