I've decided to go all-out this meet instead of just hitting what I need to qualify. Benching in the shirt this time didn't feel right for some reason. I think I just didn't keep my back tight and let the weight plop down on my chest. I could push it up like this, but not with more weight than 225. Oh well, now I know what to do for the meet.
Bench: Warmups: bar x 7, 55 x 5, 65 x 3, 70 x 1 (think I need to go lighter on these, will adjust) First attempt: 80 x 1 (@8- felt easy so thought went for more) First Second attempt: 85 x 1 (5 lb PR @10-, oof, this was tough, thought it'd be easier) Second attempt: 85 x 1 (@10-, felt a little more solid)
Bench 3x1 -> Warm-Ups: Bar x15, Bar x10, Bar x10, Bar x8, 75x3, 95x1, 115x1 -> First Attempt: 145x1 -> First Attempt (again): 145x1 -> Second Attempt: 165x1 (lifted butt up, & my right elbow is still way in. right arm is also the weak part).
Pause Bench 4x3 (@ 1 sec.) 125, 125, 125, 125
Pendlay Rows 3x9 95, 95, 95
Pullups 3x8 -> all BW
Dips -> BWx6, BWx6, BWx10
Shrug Machine 3pes x7 -> (stopped early because my upper back/spine was hurting in that position) 2.5pes x10 -> (switched to facing inward but my upper back/spine was still hurting) 1pes x40 -> (upper back/spine felt much better with only a plate but still hurt after I put the weight down ... is this from bad posture while sitting in front of a computer and writing papers??)
11/28/11 Squat
first raw squats in a few months so I went really light getting back into it...
225, 235, 245 x 5
255 x 5 (belted)
Band-Resisted Safety Squat Bar Box Squat with greens
82 x 3
173 x 2
130 x 3
150 x 2
130 x 3
130 x 3
130 x 3
I suck at these so I need to do a lot of it.
Squat: warmups 265x5@9 275x5@10 Had to stop because felt like I was gonna puke or pass out
Leg Press: 3 plates each side x 8@9+ 3 plates and a quarter on each side x 6 @10 Had to stop because I felt like I was gonna puke or pass out
Just decided to end the workout there... don't know if my shittiness was caused by exhaustion or chinese food I had for lunch not sitting well, but just wasn't working for me.
Great job to all of you at the meet. I just thought I'd give you some updates on my bench. My previous shirted PR was 275 at around 185 BW. About a week ago I benched 365 in my shirt and did a RAW 2-Board at 305 (195 BW). TECHNIQUE IS EVERYTHING so I hope you guys hammer that down. I know we haven't been too great at benching as a team but I hope you guys don't do what I was doing, which was to hope for a strength increase without improving technique. I have a meet on Dec 10 in Modesto so I'll be putting up vids for that as well. My lifts are a little shaky but I think my technique has gotten better. BTW yes I kept my ass down. Keep lifting strong y'all!
Squat: Warmups: bar x 7, 70 x 5, 95 x 4, 115 x 2, 135 x 1 First attempt: 145 x 1 (@6, way too easy; just wanted to make sure I could hit this) First attempt: 155 x 1 (@7, what I actually want for my first attempt) Second attempt: 165 x 1 (@8-, even this felt super easy)
Medium-heavy Starting Strength workout at home. Will do either a lighter Starting Strength B day on Friday (squat, press, power clean) or a bench assistance day.
Squat: 135 x 3 140 x 3 145 x 3 150 x 3 155 x 3 @9+
Bench: 55 x 3 60 x 3 65 x 3 70 x 3 75 x 3 @8+
Deadlift: warmups 225 x 4 @ 10- Was going for 5, but that was sweaty grip and no chalk = nuh-uh.
Competing in the 82.5 kg (181.7 lbs) weight class Body weight at weigh in: 90.3 kg (178.89 lbs) Body weight after my last deadlift attempt: 185.3 lbs Hooray weight maniuplation!!!
Squat: 1. 140 kg (308.6)- 3 whites. Nice and easy opener to get into the meet 2. 150 kg (330.7) -1 white, 2 bullshit reds. I don't have an angle from the side, but every time I watch the clip of this lift, I have no doubt I hit depth 3. 150 kg (330.7)- 3 whites. Easy weight. Would've liked to go for more, but went conservatively. 22.5 kg (50 lb) meet PR
Bench Press: 1. 85 kg (187.4)-3 whites. Easy opener 2. 90 kg (198.4)- 3 whites. Felt good, but back was cramping. 3. 92.5 kg (203.9)- 2 whites 1 red. Got hard where it normally does, but once I got it to where I can activate my triceps, it was smooth sailing. 7.5 kg (16.5 lb) meet PR, 3.9 lb PR
Deadlift: 1. 170 kg (374.8): 3 whites. Easy opener. 2. 182.5 kg (402.3): 3 whites. Easiest that has ever felt. 7.5 kg (16.5 lb) meet PR 3. 200 kg (440): 3 reds. Ripped it off the ground, but it was too far from my body and when I pulled it closer, it knocked into me, causing me to lose my balance and fall back. Oh well, I decided to go big and I don't regret it.
Squat 365 lbs - easy 395 lbs - failed because the rack height was too high and couldn't set up properly 395 lbs - hit it with the new rack height, gotta be careful of the setup in the future
Bench 205 lbs - easy 225 lbs - failed because i didn't tuck my shoulder blades in enough 225 lbs - easy and wish i'd gone heavier
Deadlift 335 lbs - easy 405 lbs - failed; too much weight 405 lbs - same as before
MEET TOTAL: 955 lbs Could have gone heavier if I wasn't going balls to the wall on deadlift. Hopefully I'll be able to qualify during the December meet.
Triceps Death (3 sets) -> (each set with a close grip of ... 5 reps off chest -> 5 reps off a 10lb plate -> 5 reps off a 2-board -> 5 reps off a 3-board -> 5 reps off a 4.5-board) 85, 95x23+f, 85x17+f
I've been told lately that my wrists aren't straight, so I took today to rectify the situation. I think it helped too; my wrists feel better after the workout, and once they get used to the weight I'll probably be stronger anyway, lever arms and whatnot.
Bored Press
225x3 2 sets
Much better than I've been doing lately. Wrists also felt better, though at one point one started wobbling...
Chest-Supported Bros
Lat Pulldowns
Tried to go heavy on these, gotta get dat stable back. I'm REALLY loving the chest-supported rows. We'll see how they help me.
Shoulder Press
Some stuff with 45's, idk.
Weight SetsxReps
Good chest day. PT appointment tomorrow, let's see if my 350 max squat will ever be broken, or if I'll be foreverbenchonly.
Bench 3x3 145 (@8+), 155 (@10-), 160 (@10+) ->(my triple at 160 is the best triple I've hit in the past 5-6 months, so I guess I can call it a seasonal PR haha. My lockout was incredibly slow with my arms flailing all over the place like a turkey and my butt even came off the bench too but I still locked it out and got the final rep for the set!!)
Band-Resisted Safety Squat Bar Box Squats 6x3 -> all w/ 25lbs each side
Zercher Squats 6x2 135, 175, 195, 205, 215->P.R.!!, 225->P.R.!!!!!!! -> (belted the last set with 225 & it felt great!! & even easier than the unbelted 215 set)!
Back Squat 3x5 205 (@8+), 205 (@9-), 205 (@9) -> (given that I've hit 215x5 before, I was hoping to work up to 225x5 but 205 was just really tough today & my form was bad).
Band-Resisted Safety Squat Bar Box Squats 5x3 -> all w/ 25lbs on each side
My bodyweight has stabilized at about 203 lbs in the morning.
Squats I've been able to get a little deeper with the suit. Here is a video from today:
Bench On Monday I learned how to pull the bar straight down instead of letting the shirt pull the weight out of the groove. Worked up to 3 reps at 315 but none of them touched. Next week I'll probably add a little more weight and see if I can touch while still pulling the bar down into the right groove.
Deadlift I've been working on my deadlift setup the past couple of weeks, mainly locking the shoulders back and keeping the back tight. I worked up to 405x3 on Tuesday. I haven't taken the weight up much on deadlifts lately because I've been trying to work on fixing technique.
Here is a pretty cool video I took today of one of the oc strength club guys, Dennis Reneau, who has some incredible pressing strength. He takes 765 in a single-ply super katana.
Deadlift: 185 x 3 205 x 3 225 x 3 Ehhh not a great night...midway through these I think Ro mentioned shoulders back, which helped a lot with form; thanks :D!
Power Cleans: 95 x 2 (woo! but a bit heavy) 85 x 3 x 5
Squat: Given that I can triple 315, I feel pretty good about that being my opener. Including warmups here for reference when meet comes around barx5 95x5 135x5 185x3 put on belt 225x3 275 295 Attempt 1: 315@8+/9- Attempt 2: 335@10- (much better now than when I attempted this last time. For sure got depth, but my walkout sucked by taking twice as long as it should've to get my feet set) 335@10+ (much better set up. unquestionable depth. Grinder on the way up, but a good lift still)
Leg Press Machine: 3 plates on each side x8 3 plates and a quarter on each side x 6 4 plates on each side x5
Ellyptical (cardio) 16 mins, 200 calories burned.
So to sum up, plan for the meet re squats: 1) 142.5 kg (314.2 lbs) 2) 150 kg (330 lbs) 3) 155 kg (341.7 lbs) Does this sound good? Should I open lighter? heavier 2nd and 3rd attempts?
Update: After watching the video I see that I hitched the weight up and it wouldn't have passed. I think the strength is there, but I didn't set up properly (you can see that I jerked the weight up at the bottom).
Deadlift: 235 x 1 255 x 1 (technically a 10 lb PR...possible hitching) 265 x 1 (technically a 20 lb PR...belted, thanks Kevin) I can't even count the last one really...lots of hitching, dropped it at the end (on my shin, no less).
Technically that brings up my total to 165 + 80 + 265 = 510 > 507 qualifying total for 148 weight class, but eh, I'll celebrate when I hit the my (dead)lifts more solidly.
Good Mornings: 135 x 5 x 3 (too light) 155 x 5 x 2
found out I got kicked off the google group today. I'm failing myself and the team right now. This past quarter trying to learn the gear and focusing on nationals (and myself) has put me in a really bad place mentally. I don't want to get into the details, but what is really upsetting me is this: powerlifting used to be something fun that took my mind off of personal problems, but now it is a cause of stress both in the gym and outside.
Deadlift sumo in super centurion
385 x 1 @ 8-
455 x 1 @ 9-
455 x 1 @ 9
Conventional Block pulls off 2 fat 45's
445 x 5
465 x 3 these feel hard to get started
Deficit sumo
315 x 6
345 x 5
1 set of kettlebell swings...
Meet Attempts
424.2, 457.2, 473.7
198.2 raw, 225.7, 236.7
418.7 or whatever it takes to total 1075, 468.2, 501.5
315 x 1 x 2
325 x 1
335 x 1
345 x 1 (10 lb PR)
355 x 1 (20 lb PR)
345 was deliciously deep, 355 was regular deep. That sixth single was so worth it.
Leg press
Low box squat
245 x 2
255 x 2
265 x 2 x 2
275 x 2 x 2
285 x 2 x 2 (PR)
155 x 3 x 3
165 x 3
165 x 2+high pull
195 x 1
215 x 1 x 3
225 x spotter tap
Pushed my luck.
Pause bench
155 x 3 x 2
165 x 3 x 2
Pendlay row
165 x 5 x 4
Weighted chin up
BW+30 x 5
BW+35 x 5
BW+35 x 6 x 2
dips and shrugs
But really the main point of this is Squat: 335 355 Deadlift: 435 Bench: 215 Total: 985 1005
I made my dreams come true, doing it our way
Squat: warmups 295x3@9 305x3@10- 315x3@10+ PR On all of these I was doing the first rep at probably an inch below parallel just to make sure I can do that for the meet, 2nd and 3rd reps were usually around parallel or a little high
If I can just keep a really good arch and shoulders pinned back my shirt will actually add pounds. I have been going down to my chest slower so as to hit high enough, but now I think I'm too slow and am touching too low. Just before the bar hits my chest I work around the bubble versus through the bubble.
Bench 3x1 155 (@8), 165 (@10), 165 (@10)
Pause Bench 4x3 @ (3 sec.) 115, 115, 115, 125 -> (working on keeping elbows against lats during tuck).
Barbell Shrugs (*high reps*) 225x20, 225x30, 225x27, 225x40 -> (did all reps very quick & explosive). -> (kept going during set even after reps were not full range of motion anymore).
230@10 (changed up my lockout for next 3, thanks to Nick for the tipz)
240 is my current PR. The tip I got from Nick was: when the lockout gets really tough (around 3 board) start flaring my elbows. The elbows don't really flare, but it activates a LOT more of my tricep. The reps went from being a breeze off the chest and impossible to lockout to being difficult but doable the whole way through, with more weight, even at the end of the singles. If I hadn't done 6 singles first, maybe I could've matched the 240.
Paws Bench
190 2x3
Dat lockout. Skipped Pendlay rows due to personal problems.
3x5@25 extra
Most of the rep is fine, but the VERY top is really hard as the sets wear on. More explosion perhaps?
1x5@45 extra
2x5@55 extra
SUCH a good chest exercise, wish we did it more.
365x5 2 sets
Grip was the limiting factor.
Overall a good workout, finished off with oatloads of foam rolling. I think the hip is doing a LOT better, it's pain-free even during bodyweight squats, if there's still no pain tomorrow I'll do some squats with the bar and start my road to recovery.
Squat: 135 x 1 145 x 1 155 x nope (bar slipped...silly) 155 x 1 160 x 1 (5 lb PR) 165 x 1 (10 lb PR) Thank you to those who let me borrow belts ♥. Now I just gotta hit a 5 lb PR tonight and a 20 lb PR on Thursday...
Band-lightened Squat: 195 x 5 (oof, that's heavy) 185 x 5
Box Squats: 115 x 3 x 4
The knee is feeling much better. Still a little stiff, but otherwise okay...it feels good to be back.
Back Squat 3x1 (belted) 225, 245, 255->P.R.!!!! -> (I'm improving at keeping upright & keeping back tight. Terence suggests I do higher rep shrugs & rows to build more upper back muscle to help stay tight & keep upright).
Band-Lightened Squats 5x5 (belted) -> all w/ one red band on each side 275, 275, 275, 275, 275