Monday, October 10, 2011

Max 10/10 Skwquoatz

295x1 for last warmup
325 4x1
Not the numbers I wanted to hit, but I'm making weight gains and sleeping and eating, so the gains should manifest shortly. Really want to get 365 by winter break. A great singles workout though. Hit my pre-summer PR for 4 solid singles. Ain't bad.

Paws Squats
225 2x3 belted
195 2x3 unbelted

The 195 would've been a lot easier if I hadn't just done 4 heavy singles. At least, I'd like to think so.

155x8 (during this set, about 271,828 8:00 people came and I knew I'd have to get out of there or risk staying another half hour)

Squat box jumps 3x10, then a burrito.

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