Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Max 10/11 Bench

205x1 ez
225x1 rough
225x1 rougher, learned my form was degrading hardcorps
225 fail, see above
215 success
215 success, learned I wasn't keeping my back tight enough
225 x1 success

I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm always going to be learning bench.

Close Grip Bench
175x5 nasty form
165x5 again, nasty form
165x5 form's getting so nasty I had to drop the weight for the next set
lol bench day

Bored Press
195 3x3@2 board
Easier than last time, but still... fuarkk

Pendlay Bros
135, 155, 165, 175, 175, 175 x5 each

365x5 3 sets

Curls, abs, etc. lol bench day

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