45 x 10, 95 x 7, 135 x 5,
185 x 10 @ 9+ (10 lb PR) also a 2 rep PR, felt pretty easy until the last rep. This is kinda a milestone for skinny non PL bench onlys who do the same workout everyday
Foam Roller Bench (had 3 different sets of spotters)
225 x 5 @ 8+
235 x 5 @ 9 spotter had hands on bar whole time
245 x 1+fail incompetent foam roller holder
Skull Crushers
80 x 10 x 3 slight pain in left elbow depending on form
Pendlay Rows
135 x 8
155 x 6, 8 not really feeling the pendlers today.
455 x 5
500 x 3+2 hit rack and had to reset pull
What happend on that third set of foam roller bench?
The dude holding the foam roller was holding it parallel to the ground, which is not parallel to my arch so the bar would touch the foam roller, then the foam roller would get pushed down. There was some unexpected resistance on the second rep before I got to the bottom and I lost tightness before the bar even stopped moving down. Also I don't know how much the spotter helped on the second set so maybe I would have failed at 235.
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