Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Luke 9-26-11 First Equipped Squat

45 x 10, 8, 135 x 6, 225 x 3, 275 x 2 (added belt and wrist wraps) 315 x 1
365 x 3 (added super centurion straps down)
405 x 5 @ 10- bar slippage by 3rd rep for every set. I think I was able to hit depth on these or at least I was close.
405 x 3 @ 9+
405 x 3 @ 8+ knees wrapped B-
385 x 4+1 @ 8

Band Lightened Squats with fitwell black bands
405 x 5
455 x 5
475 x 3 bands were uneven throughout each set so I stopped this nonsense

Leg Press
worked up to 6 plates per side x 10

Ball bridges

Squat box jumps

1 comment:

Vit said...

Is this your first time using the suit? How did it feel? I'm surprised you were even close to hitting depth. Does it feel extremely tight at the bottom like your head is about to explode? If not, your suit may be loose.