Monday, September 5, 2011

Deadlift Assistance

SS-bar Box Squat:
w/ wide stance

225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5 @ 9
335 x 5 @ 9+
365 x 3, 3 @ 10

Ughhh. 365 was whooping me bad. I had planned to go for 5, but the third rep felt tough each time. Wide stance still feel weird. I need to do more wider stance lifts to keep my adductors trained.

SS-bar good mornings:

225 x 5, 5, 5, 5


265 x 5
375 x 5 @ 10 efff

Failed to break 265 off the ground without a belt. WTF. I need to keep stretching to pull my nerves back into line.

Finished with some hanging leg raises (4 sets). My PT recommend doing overhead shrugs to strengthen my middle traps. I did these in the smith machine with 50 pounds and it worked really well.

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