Thursday, September 15, 2011

Death By Prowler

Theraband Walks
135x10 per leg
185x8 per leg
225x6 per leg PR

"Death By Prowler" Jim Wendler style
160lbs x 2 30 yard Laps
250lbs x 2 30 yard Laps
340lbs x 2 30 yard Laps
430lbs x 2 30 yard Laps
520lbs x 2 30 yard Laps
~ 23 Mins, didn't really go for time, but this was hard. my glutes were already on fire before these.


Luke said...

damn that's determination. Palmdale to Santa Clarita for GPP?

Nick said...

its not too far, just drive fast haha.

Luke said...

I just did that drive coming back from mammoth, but it was pouring rain with no visibility and trucks were going 80 in the right lane... the drive seemed pretty intense at the time

Nick said...

lol not the most eventful drive, everyone goes like 90.. its like 30 mins