Sunday, October 9, 2011


365 x 3 x 3
Tried conventional, don't know why

Rack pull
365 x 4 x 2
365 x 3 x 2

kettlebell swings and abs

Incline bench
155 x 5 x 3

Standing press
115 x 3 x 2
120 x 3 x 2
It's been way too long since doing these. I almost forgot my grip.

Floor press
155 x 5 x 2
165 x 5
pull ups superset
BW x 15 x 2
BW x 12+3

Bent-over row
185 x 5 x 3

135 x 10
135 x 9 x 2


1 comment:

Juggernaut, the said...

I keep forgetting you graduated and just assume you're at the 6:30 group and that's why I never see you anymore. :(