Saturday, October 1, 2011


First Deadlift singles since my Summer of Getting Fat and Not Lifting. I had chalk, but no nose tork and no Vit slaps.

Kind of disappointed 370 was so hard given that I ripped 415 off the ground in the mini meet, but I was pretty exhausted before I went to the gym and that tiredness kind of lingered throughout the day (including my drive home from Ktown to Calabasas and sitting on the couch watching tv with the gf and falling asleep... at 9:00)
Long story short, a week straight of waking up at 7:00 AM really takes its toll on me when I get to Friday.
So, given all of that, 370 is not that bad, I think I'll easily be back to 415 in time for the Nov meet

135x8x3@8, 9-, 9 *went light because exhaustion

lower back machine

hamstring curls

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