Saturday, January 17, 2009

DE Bench

Bench Press:
265 X 3
265 X 3
265 X 4

Incline Bench Press:
185 X 7
205 X 7
225 X 4
205 X 7

Dumbbell Bench Press:
90 X 7
90 X 7
105 X 6

Overhead Press:
135 X 5
155 X 3
165 X 3
115 X 8

Tricep Dip Machine (4 sets)
Incline Skull Crushers (4 sets)



Nathan Beckmann said...

What the fuck. Your bench has improved crazy style. 265x4? 225x4 incline? God damn.

Brent Tanaka said...

Don't worry. I didn't do it with a pause...just touch and go.

Trey said...

eye spyyyy... "stairmaster."

this must've been when you worked out with b.o.

Brent Tanaka said...

Haha. I'm ashamed of the stairmaster but it was for restoration damnit. Felt like a pansy on that thing. Way to be the only asshole to point it out trey.