Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pansy Ass Bench

Bench Press (with 42 Katana):
315 X 1 (off 2 board)
335 X 0
335 X 0
I washed the Katana in an effort to make it tighter. For some reason, the shirt didn't feel as tight as it normally does and the weight was coming down to my chest quicker than normal. I think I was 2-3 lbs lighter today than when I hit the 340 a couple weeks back, so maybe I didn't fill it out as well. But no excuses, I sucked ass today.

Bench Press:
245 X 3
265 X 3
265 X 3

Rippetoe Style Overhead Press:
135 X 5
145 X 5
165 X 3

Weighted Dips:
45lb X 8
90lb X 8
115lb X 8
135lb X 10

Pink Band Pull Aparts
Banded Cable Pushdowns


Juggernaut, the said...

If that katana loosens up anymore, I'm going to steal it from you and start benching 400+ <3<3

Brent Tanaka said...

Honestly, I think it would be a decent fit for you. The guy who it belongs to is a 198er. But I'm sure your arms are bigger.

I'm considering switching to Stevie's 44 RageX again which I know is tighter. I know it's risky to change gear this late, but I'm gonna give it a run off boards Saturday and see how it feels. Maybe I'll hit my opener in the Katana and then throw on the RageX for 2nd and 3rd attempts.

Juggernaut, the said...

That would be hilarious for you to switch like that, but I like it. I'm only hitting my first attempt on bench, so I'll be around to help handle after that.

Also, you should come up to UCLA on Saturday for board work. But mostly so I can try on that Katana, hahaha.

Brent Tanaka said...

I am doing board work on Saturday, but I'll be down at 4 Star. Come drop by Dave and bring the guys. The Katana will be waiting for you.

Juggernaut, the said...

Hmm... I'll see what I can do. I think a few of the guys have to go early due to the game. What time are you training?

Brent Tanaka said...

Afternoonish, around 4 pm I think.