Tuesday, December 22, 2009

12/22 Training

Bench: 145x5
190x10 (PR I guess)

Seated Shoulder Press: 115x12-5-3 (20 RP) PR

Seated Barbell Curl: 85x8-5-3 (16RP) PR

Tricep Pullover: 100x13-5-3 (21RP) PR

Today was a pretty awesome training session. I felt pretty much in the groove when I was benching, although unracking the weights myself and benching without a spotter may have caused me to lose a rep or two from what I could have done. I improved notably from last week on the assistance exercises as well, on both weight and reps in some cases. I'm liking this rest-pause thing.


Juggernaut, the said...

Why are your weights so light still? It's been several weeks of 5/3/1 and you're still hitting high reps on your last set.

Kyle said...

Its the way the program works. I just finished my second cycle of 5/3/1, and I added the 5lbs to my max and started over with the percentages for my third cycle. Its a slow, long term progression sort of thing. I may can it after this cycle though, due to the slow progress.

Juggernaut, the said...

Why not add 10lbs? Or adjust the program so that you're not hitting so many reps? 5/3/1 is a solid program but no program is entirely formulaic.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Why didn't you just test your max and use that?