Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Program Analysis

11/17/2008 - 1/21/2009

Shoulder-Stance Back Squat:

3x5: 315 -> 340
1x5: 325 -> 350
1x2 (belt): 385 -> 415

Medium-Grip Bench Press:
3x5: 280 -> 285
1x5: 290 -> 300
1x3: 295 -> 315
MAX: 327 -> 335

Standing Overhead Press:
200 4x4 -> 225 3x3
MAX: 235 -> 245

Conventional Deadlift:
425 x 3 (belt) -> 425 x 3 (no-belt)
No-belt MAX: 415 -> 451
1x3: 425 -> 445

Power Clean:

BW + 25 4x4 -> BW + 35 3x3

Front Squat:
285 x 2 -> 320 x 1

- All Squats have improved dramatically
- Bench Press has improved significantly. Feel much more comfortable with sets of 5 now.
- Overhead Press has gone up ludicrously. I am well suited for it biomechanically.
- Conventional Deadlift has improved. Still running into some hit-or-miss issues due to lower back fatigue. These could be transitory. Latest lifts reflect a much higher lower bound on deadlift strength than before.
- Power Clean has not been programmed correctly. Must aggressively attempt heavier weights each time.

Overall, this is easily the most dramatic improvement in performance in two months I've experienced since I've started lifting.


Kyle said...

Look's like the program worked very well for the squats. Will you try and tweak anything to boost your bench and DL more (eg the addition of assistance work)?

Phil Russell said...

Nah. It's great the way it is. Most of it is just settling into the groove.