Wednesday, January 14, 2009

ME Bench

One of the guys let me use his 42 Katana which is pretty broken in. I gave it a run today in order to compare it with the 44 RageX that I used last week.

Shirted Bench Press:
315 X 1 (off 2 board)
340 X miss (off chest with commands)
340 X 1 (off chest with commands) We belted this set and pulled the shirt down. This is the same weight that I hit with the 44 RageX last week except this rep felt cleaner and I did it with commands.
320 X 1 (off chest with commands) Dropped it down to 320 to make sure that I could touch with a lighter weight.

Close Grip Bench Press:
185 X 5
225 X 5
235 X 5
235 X 5

Floor Press with Chains:
2 sets regular grip
2 sets close grip



Juggernaut, the said...

how do the two shirts compare? The streets want to know.

Juggernaut, the said...

Also, are you lifting up here tomorrow? Ben is training at 5 (I think with Terence? (your favorite <3)) I think we're going at 7 still since we aren't cool enough to go to the basketball game.