Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Block 2 #2

Jerk 107 - 2, (1+miss), 2, 2.75 (didn't exactly lock it out but got it overhead and held it)
Jumps, snatch grip 60/3 x 3
Good morning 3x3 90, 100, 110


Nathan Beckmann said...

Is 110x3 challenging for good mornings?

Also, what is a "jump, snatch grip"? Doesn't the bar get in the way if you are just jumping?

Jake Ceccarelli said...

It gets in the way at first but I'm used to it now. 110 x 3 is somewhat challenging but I can do more for sure. My plan is to just increase the weight each time I do them until it gets really hard. I don't want to ruin the main part of my next workout by going too hard on good mornings the day before.