Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Squat 1 Cycle 1

275 @ 8
285 @ 8+
295 @ 9
305 @ 10-
315 @ 10- (10lb PR)
325 @ 10 ish (20lb PR) form was better than I've ever had for a PR

Band-Resisted Squat purples
225 x 5
205 x 5
185 x 5
My elbows were throbbing in pain, so I went to pause leg press.

Pause Leg Press
I wanted to do SSB, but bad things prevented me from doing these. I'd love to give MY scathing review of what happened, but Coach will be taking care of this.
4 plates x 3 @ 3 sec
3 plates x 3 @ 3 sec
4 plates x 3 @ 3 sec

Tricep Rehab, Abs


Misael said...

Serious form improvement brah!!!

Dafina said...

^LOL. Nice form. Helps me realize what I need to work on--that hip release at the bottom still gets me.

Luke said...

dude the bear in the bear cave ate the SSB and hid the key and locked us out

Scott Salomon said...

Let the hate flow in (insert evil jae laugh)

Unknown said...

You need to watch Coach, he's the master at powering his hips in an out of the hole. It's counter-intuitive to my squat-morning to drive with hips first, but if you get it down it's a huge improvement.

Unknown said...
