Monday, June 14, 2010


I'm training at a gym called Anytime Fitness in Branson, Missouri which is where I'm staying to visit some family for the next week. It looks like a commercial gym and the title sounds like it'd be a commercial gym but there's actually a few powerlifters that train there but mostly bigass bench only guys. Apparently the huge (but friendly) guy who gave me a weekly pass benches 655. He even offered to let me have a key in case I wanted to train after gym hours.

265 x 5, 5
275 x 5

Pause squats (3 second self count)
205 x 3, 3

135 x 8 (per leg)
155 x 6, 6

I kind of cut this workout short. The right side of my hip was not feeling good while squatting so I did 3x5 instead of 5x5 and only did 2 sets of pause squats. Also I finished the workout in about an hour which left me panting throughout the workout. Okay I'll stop complaining now.

Post-training BW: 180.5lbs


Kyle said...

Vit, you'd better get some tips from those bench-only guys on how to bring up your bench. Otherwise Greg and I will leave you coughing in the dust :D

Matt Buttimer said...

If you are competing in July you should start lowering the volume of your sets.

Vit said...

Kyle, I'm one step ahead of you...I have robitussin to take care of that cough.

Matt, with 3 training weeks left (including this week), I was planning on lowering volume next week. Is that a little bit late?

Matt Buttimer said...

Well I would want to somewhat gradually decrease volume. So if I was doing sets of 5, I would want 2-3 weeks of triples, and then at least 2 weeks of singles. I don't think you can properly condition your CNS for a drop from sets of 5, to 1RM in 2 weeks.

Juggernaut, the said...

Nice job on finding that gym. Learn all you can from those guys. Interview them or what not. Ask what their workouts are like (periodization, exercises, rep/set schemes, etc.)

Also, i think you're good for tapering. Since you're going raw, your CNS won't have taken as much of a beating. Also, you can generally recover from squats fairly quickly.

Vit said...

How do you guys think the tapering should go with squats since I'm squatting twice a week? Should I just not do the heavy squatting on Thursdays?

Juggernaut, the said...

I would cut back on your assistance lifts on your rep day to give yourself time to recover on the heavier day. Keep the intensity of the main lifts high though.