Friday, June 4, 2010

Thursday 6/3/2010 Not a complete failure...

Squat 365 x 1

Had to stop here. I felt a terrible pain in my lower abdomen. It was anything bad but it hurt like a bitch. I was originally gonna go for a double at 385. As I was warming up I realized this wasn’t the best idea for today. I think I went too heavy on the front squats on wednesday.

Bench 205 x 2

Still feel weak in my left elbow but slowly getting my strength back. As long as it doesn’t hurt, right ?

Conventional Deadlift 445 x 3 PR!

I was going for a double but I had another one in the tank. Had to make up for what I didn’t do for my squats. The third one was a bit of a grinder. So long sumo d-lifts.

Pull Ups.

3 reps w/ 35

2 reps w/ 45

Adjustments for my Texas Method routine:

I’m not getting too much out of barbell rows. I’m taking those out and replacing them with powercleans. I need to work on my explosiveness. I can still to extra upper back work when I do the weighted pull ups.

For recovery day, I’m replacing front squats with box squats. This should help with my hip power.

I’m going to vary my heavy days with heavy triples, 3x2, and an occasional single.

Also, I’m adding in plyometrics on heavy days.

Today I was just so out of it with the final I had in the morning and the presentation I had to give afterwards. Next week should be better.


Juggernaut, the said...

Good to see you working on the explosiveness. That will have a great carry over, from my experience.

As for replacing front squats, what makes you think you have weaker hips?

Misael said...

When I'm about to hit the hole I've been feeling a little weak in the "posterior chain" as I've been increasing the weight. It also seems like a good recovery workout if I go 3x3.