Wednesday, June 16, 2010


185 x 2 -easiest this has felt so far
195 x 2
200 x 2.7 -PR, I was going for 2 but the spotter touched the bar on the first rep so I did 2 more
155 x 9, 9

Floor press
175 x 5, 5, 5

Flat dumbbell press
55s x 12
60s x 8, 7

50 x 20
60 x 15, 15, 15

I talked a little bit with Rich, the guy that I said benched 655 before. He lifts single ply and said his PR is now 720. Anyway, he said that their guys have been benching once a week for a long time now. Usually they do a 6-8 week cycle raw and then follow it up with a cycle of shirted benching. However he said that they made really good gains in this past cycle when they did both raw and shirted benching every workout, working up to however heavy they could go raw, then shirting up. Rich is doing a meet in Chatsworth, CA put on by Scot Mendelson in a couple of months and hopes to put up 800.


Kyle said...

So they only bench once a week? What do they do on the other days? That seems a little odd since you said a lot of them were bench-only guys.

Matt Buttimer said...

Vit, do you have a singlet I can borrow for Nationals? I will probably be able to buy one there, but just in case I want a back-up.

Vit said...

Kyle, he said that he still works out everything else but does mostly high rep work.

Matt, unfortunately Mark has my singlet since he borrowed it a few weeks ago.