Monday, June 29, 2009

6/24, 6/25


P. Snatch: 65x6x3
P.Clean + Jerk: 95x4x3

No misses!

45x8, 65x5, 75x3?, 85x1, 95x1, 105x1, 115x1, 125xFAILx2

Tried for a 1RM, but I was still stiff and hurting from the other day and was not feeling strong at all. The 115 felt rough, and I did a solid 3RM with that the other day. Harumph. Need to not break myself the workout before 1RM's.

45x8, 95x5, 135x5x5

Cool. Never did these before. Focused on exploding upwards off the box/out of the hole, and keeping knees out and everything tight.

65x5, 85x5x5

Even this felt non-trivial today. Terrible.

Ran out of time for Bench Assist and DL assist.

18lb MB
20? I don't think I was leaning back enough.

18lb medicine ball I think.

10x3xeach side


30 mins on elliptical
Not very fast since I was paying attention to michael jackson coverage instead of fast music.

Hanging leg, bicycle crunches, v-ups, with 10lb ball?
Sets of 20, except for v-ups, sets of 15.

Stretch, including backbend for shoulders. Oh god, I need to stretch more.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

I would avoid doing too many passes with a ball that isn't very close to regulation weight. It'll only screw up your technique. Do you feel like they help anything?

Deirdre said...

The 'scrumhalf passes' are to practice a cross-body pass with the ball starting on the ground and rotating up and back, without actually releasing the ball, since I don't want to go chasing it. It's more for trunk rotation strength endurance than passing technique or power.

Also for adapting to squatting low under legs and people and launching the ball out, over and over, except harder. If I can stay low to the ground when throwing a 20lb ball, I can stay low when throwing a rugby ball.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

I wish I could see what you're doing. I see your point, I think it can be improved though.