Monday, June 1, 2009


185 x 10
205 x 10
225 x 7
245 x 5

Band-Resisted Box Squats
purple bands
135 x 5 x 3

Banded Jumps
Cable Abs


Vit said...

Greg how did your squat get so strong overnight???

Juggernaut, the said...

@Vit: It was easy for Greg. He kept saying "I want 165," and then we would put 205 on the bar and tell him to do that instead, haha.

Kyle said...

It is also pertinent to mention that none of these were to depth. Greg, you must work on form!

Greg said...

Kyle brings up an important point: I can lift that weight, but not very well. I'm a little confused about why my form is better when I go "high-bar" using light weight, but I can lift more "low-bar" rather than "high-bar" when lifting heavy weight.

Juggernaut, the said...

@Kyle: to be fair, at least 7/30+ reps were to depth... Not great, but better than it used to be.