Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Bench (brief pause)
185 x 5
175 x 5, 5
Tried to save energy for shirt work.

Bench (w/ Katana)
(3 board)
245 x 2
(2 board)
245 x 2
265 x 2, 2
Shirted bench felt much better this week. I soaked the shirt in water before putting it on and put on the sleeves with the Katana logo closer to the outside of my arm (which is supposed to make it fit looser). Need to remember to not lift my head off the bench and come down as quickly as possible with the bar. Elbows still hurt afterwards, but by now this is expected.

Miniband + 50 x 4 sets of 10
Miniband + 20-25 x 2 sets of 20
These made my elbows feel better (along with ibuprofen).

Lat pulldowns
200 x 4 sets of 10

Machine shrugs
10 plates x 15, 15, 12, 12

Finished with hammer curls, ghr abs, and some rotator cuff pushups (?)

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