Wednesday, August 6, 2008

speed bench

speed bench:
185 + 80lbs of chains
3 reps x 8? 12? sets? I stopped counting

ultra-wide grip bench:
we used the long bar for this, so our hands were probably 3" outside the widest ring.
275 x 5
275 x 6

chest-supported rows:
2 plates x 10 parallel grip
2 plates x 10 angled grip
2 plates x 10 straight grip
3 plates x 10 parallel grip
3 plates x 10 angled grip
3 plates x 10 straight grip
4 plates x 6 straight grip

military presses:

Used the fat bar for the first time on these. Very hard to really gut up the rep since you can't really squeeze the bar

185 x 10 x 2
185 x 6
135 x 10

(vanity) super set:
flyes + bicep curls w/ cambered bar:
80 x 12 x 4 (flyes)
65 x failure x 3 (curls)

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