Friday, August 22, 2008

ucla club powerlifting?

Dave, I just wanted to know what's been talked about with Adam in terms of getting powerlifting approved as a club sport. The Competitive Sports Jamboree is on September 23rd, which is when all the club sports will be recruiting on the IM field.

I was thinking about contacting Adam next week to see what we need to get together. I know that we need members for the team first and foremost. In order to get members, however, figuring out the logistical things would help. Having a plan and basic structure of the program would surely make it easier to recruit members...they're going to have questions, and we should have answers. Of course, a lot of things we'll be figuring out along the way, but we should for the most part know where this is all going.

In terms of recruiting members, Facebook and fliering are options that can be a pain in the adductor but can definitely pay off. Fliers at the Wooden Center would be effective if they let us. Also, in person recruiting a-la-Dave talking to everyone is another great way to get members.

Starting this thing from the ground up will be no easy task but we can do it.

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