- Stretching
- Walking ~1 hr
So this post might not be very interesting. I'm bored out of my mind, so deal with it.
Today there was supposed to be this "Orientation Olympics" event -- basically randomly formed teams playing randomly selected sports to determine a champion. I was going to spectate, since I have to workout tomorrow on less-than-normal rest. But when I got there, it hadn't started, so instead I went to the gym and stretched for a while.
After I got back, I wasted time playing DotA until I couldn't stand it any more. That, and I ate constantly. So today was good for joining Phil in 220's *242 cough cough*. Anywho, I eventually realized that I needed to get out, so I decided to go to the mall. I figured since I didn't have a bike helmet and I don't know Cambridge very well and it's night, I would bike over to the far side of campus and walk the rest. It turns out that 1.5 inches on a map is a lot further than it seems. Took me about a half hour each way.
When I got there, I looked at TVs at best buy, but they are all $300. This sucks because it would have been awesome to watch football tomorrow. Then I went to Borders to see if they had Starting Strength. They didn't but I got to reading Strength Training Anatomy instead. I learned some nifty things about squats -- apparently, Dave and I have long femurs. Thats why our squat form is so bent over. I also learned about various ways to tear tendons and herniate discs.
Then I bought some random sci fi book and went to the register. The girl at the register was basically the worst employee ever. When the customer in front of me went up to check out her book, the first thing the cashier said was "Welcome to the insane asylum". (Wtf?!) Then when I went up, she was chatting on a mic with another employee, and she was talking about killing people.
So then I went to the food court and bought a 12'' pastrami sandwich. It was good.
Then I checked in at a sports store to see if they had chalk. They didn't.
Then I walked back. Then I biked back. Then I wrote this post.
I can't wait for classes to start.
Dear Nathans, you can order both chalk and Starting Strength from EliteFTS. I got my chalk from Inzer 2 years ago. I still have 6 blocks left. CHALK REFUSES TO DIE
Also, I bought Rippetoe's book "Strong Enough? Thoughts on 30 Years of Barbell Training". It is awesome.
- Two asian guys at the z-center today. One doing hang snatches, the other doing clean pulls. Wtf.
- Boston weather is lame. It's like 80+ degrees and humid. No rain yet. QQ
DotA ftw!!
pastrami sandwich. sounds pretty good
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