Belted it for squats, then took the belt off for the rest. Baby steps.
385 x 5
385 x 5 + 40 lbs of chains
385 x 5 + 80 lbs of chains
On the third rep of this set, i felt forward and basically good morning the damned thing up. I corrected my form for the last two, and they were easier. After this my spotter was like "wtf, you just good-morning 385 + 80lbs of chains." Good-mornings, ftw.
385 x 5 + 120 lbs of chains
385 x 2.5 + 160 lbs of chains
At this set the bar was really bending. When I took it off the rack, it rolled and i had to roll it back up after every rep. On the third rep, the bar rolled lower and i pitched forward and once again had to good morning it up. I was pretty pissed so I just set it down. I need to use a different bar next week because I could've had all 5 reps if the bar hadn't been moving so much.
Box squats w/ bands:
started w/ green bands on a slightly lower-than-parallel box.
135 x 5
225 x 5
This was a little too easy on the resistance because of all the chain work I did right before, so we put another green band on.
225 x 5
275 x 2 (heeeeavvvyyy)
225 x 5
Front Squats:
135 x 8
185 x 8
225 x 8
275 x 5
I was wasted at this point, so i did a bunch of random sets of:
glute-ham raise, reverse hyper, leg extensions.
Finished with three sets of sub-scap pull ups. (thanks Jake!)
1 comment:
Follow up: I was just rubbing my back and was like "wtf did i get all over myself at the gym this time?!" then i looked and noticed it was my skin. Looks like the squats rubbed me a little raw today. And by raw, i mean my back was bleeding, hahaha.
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