[backstory] I gave a powerlifting clinic to a few guys in a bodybuilding team program. The guys had been exposed to a lot of different workout styles, so they were really receptive to how powerlifters did things and asked some good questions. I included my contact info and offered to train with any of them if they wanted to see what powerlifting training was like. [end backstory]
So today, one of the guys from the workshop shows up for another one of my epic squat days. I had actually told him ahead of time that it was the most grueling, but he showed up anyway. Actually, he was really into it. When we started, I asked him what his max squat was, and he guessed around 315. I didn't tell him how much the chains were, but he was able to get 235 + 160lbs of chains for 5 on his 5th set, which is pretty good. (He even said the chains were fun!) So it was a pretty good workout. Having someone new always pushes me a bit, and I think it was a good experience for him.
on with the workout...
385 x 5
385 + 40 lbs of chains x 5
385 + 80 lbs of chains x 5
385 + 120 lbs of chains x 5
385 + 160 lbs of chains x 5 (545 at the top, w00t!)
The last set was pretty brutal. I only got 2 on it last week due the bar slipping and my back is/was still exhausted from those deadlifts. My regular workout partner started intentionally trying to piss me off to fire me up and it worked. Things like "you are so weak. you won't even get a single rep." Rep 5 was sloooow. Had I not been in pissed-off mode, I doubt I would have made it. I'll have to deload next week to recover from all this work
SS-Bar Pause Squats:
275 x 3 @ 3 seconds (I was still exhausted from the squats)
275 x 3 @ 5 seconds
275 x 5 @ 5 seconds
315 x 5 @ 4 seconds
Had to work my way up on this. I was so burnt on the last set i was actually pulling the SS-bar into my neck. I pulled on it so hard that my right tricep tendon actually got sore afterwards!
Box Squats:
135 x 4 w/ greens
135 x 4 w/ 2 greens
135 x 4 w/ 2 greens
135 x 4 w/ 2 greens
Tried Jake's suggestion of 4 x 4 instead of 8 x 2. Seemed to work alright. Tried to keep the weight a little ligher and add more bands because I was exhausted.
135 x 5
185 x 5 (really, two back-to-back sets of 3, then 2 reps (i got tired))
155 x 5
155 x 5
Finished with some decline, band-resisted abs. I love those things.
Was this a DE or ME squat day? Or do you follow that kind of split anymore?
Generally you would go fastest to slowest exercise in a workout, but powerlifting is a slightly different animal... How was your speed after a workout like that?
I have deconstructed my ME, DE, and RE effort days into:
1) Squat day
2) Deadlift day
Hooray for over-simplicity. I incorporate a lot of volume, and 5-rep maxes, if such a thing exists. I also like to do speed work randomly.
I like to do speed-work type things (bands, chains) with no overt speed goals. Just try to overload the CNS with some heavy weight and ignore any mechanical advantages.
For the cleans at the end, it was mostly just a fast-twitch burnt-out exercise. I tried to do the heaviest weight that I could clean for sets of 5. The fifth rep was generally fast enough to get it up, but required much more effort.
Honestly, I have no overarching goal at this point. I got tired of following other people's programs when they didn't seem to be working. At least this way, if I don't get stronger it's because I made poor exercise choices, haha. The methods of the failure have failed; the methods of success will succeed!
Things do seem to be getting better though. I'm hitting new maxes on a lot of exercises and I think my speed has increased a lot. I attribute this to massive amounts of volume. I seem to respond best to it. Especially heavy volume. Sets near the 5-rep range. No planned recovery weeks; just switch to a different exercise.
It's probably the most-grueling workout strategy I've had so far. I am consistently more exhausted after every workout than I have been in the past, and yet I don't feel overtrained.
Ya it seems like increasing the volume has been the trend around here lately. It'll be interesting to see how it works out.
I basically do the polar opposite of Dave. I like (and respond MUCH better to) low volume and high intensity. High volume just leaves me feeling beat up and tired.
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