Saturday, August 16, 2008


Power snatch, below knee 67/5, 77/2 x 3
Power clean+push jerk+ overhead squat 90/2 x 3
Power clean 100/2 x 5
Good mornings 20/15, 30/10, 40/10, 50/10, 60/10

Weights were light on good mornings because I hurt my lower back a couple weeks ago squatting. It only hurts when I bent forward at the waist and doesn't really effect my lifting. It hurts most when I drive, actually.

This is my first post so I'll explain my training.
I'm using the Program from "A Program of Multi-Year Training in Weightlifting" which lays out the training of a weightlifter for the first 6 years of training. If you need a reference for how the training goes, it is the basis for Sheiko training because the authors of my program first laid out the system for distributing loading throughout the training cycle.


Juggernaut, the said...

Six Years?!?!? I thought it was two? Do you ever get bored knowing that you have your workouts already planned for the next few years? Is there any room for variability?

Phil Russell said...

Holy shit! That's some serious Russian programming. Hardcore

Also, I feel you on the lower back, which I injured 3 weeks before the last contest. Driving and sitting down (which 99% of my weekdays consist of) were a bitch. Ice + ibuprofen + lots of walks = good stuff.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

No it doesn't bother me at all. It's enough of a challenge to try and complete it all anyway. There's plenty of variety and I know the program works since the Russians kick ass at weightlifting. I started the program at the "Class II" athlete level, so I only have 2 more years worth of training using this program. Then I have to figure the traiing out for myself.