No gear.
Box Squats:
275 + 100 lbs chain, 7 x 2
315 + 100 lbs chain, 1 x 2
A lot slower than last week. My hips were tired. This confirms my guess that I should be operating on a 2 Week High/1 Week Low cycle. I got pissed off about the slowness, so I went to 315 base weight on the last set. I won't back squat on Thursday, will deadlift and front squat.
Power Cleans:
205, 5 x 3 (that's 5 sets of 3, Dave)
Easy, but still need to train myself to actively let go of the bar and open the hand so the bar rests on the fingertips in the rack position. I'm getting the elbows up, but years of not letting go of shit in the gym has left me with this mental block.
Box Jumps:
Added about 3 inches to the height
5 x 5
Standing Ab Pull:
Worked up to 160 + 5 lbs chain, 1 x 5
45" Back Raise:
Bodyweight + 35 lbs bar, 2 x 10-12
Gettin' better
I think I'm going to set up my ME cycles like this:
Week 1: ME Squat/3-5RM Block Pull/RE Good Mornings
Week 2: ME Deadlift/3RM Front Squat/RE Good Mornings
Week 3: Deload
2 weeks is about all I can do well in a row.
Do you find any noticeable difference in your speed between the bands and chains? I was thinking that I noticed using the bands gave me more a rebound (obviously since the bands are elastic), while the chains just get heavier.
Since you're using both, I was wondering if could tell any different in your speed out of the hole depending on which one you use.
It's about the same. I've noticed two things:
1. The eccentric (downward) pull of the bands makes you drop a lot faster and hit the bench harder, resulting in more force in the collision between you and the bench.
2. The bands are much easier at the bottom, and much harder at the top. That is, the resistance curve feels much steeper in regards to distance. The chains feel heavy at the bottom but don't feel much heavier at the top.
If you're getting your elbows through on power cleans that's fine, just hold on to the bar. Your wrists will get more flexible and you'll be able to hold the bar in your palm while it's racked on you shoulders.
Thanks Jake!
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