Friday, August 29, 2008


The rib is feeling better, but not 100%. Did some light deadlift warm ups, but stopped when I decided pushing it would likely re injure the muscle.

Instead I tried to make the most of a leg workout and pushed the prowler around. I think I underestimated that thing. The first time, the course was just short enough that I could sprint through it. This time, I tried pushing it around 160 meters. NOT AT EASY. Once you get slow, that thing turns to lead. There is no walking. Walking with it is more exhausting than running. I ended up doing 6 trips down and back. The last 5 trips were around 100 meters round trip.

The other guys had talked about how the prowler makes you want to puke. I didn't believe it at first, but after around the 4th trip, I was panting constantly. By the end, you really do feel like puking. I thought I was in pretty good shape from all the frisbee and 20-30 mile bike rides, but the prowler is intense.


1 comment:

Phil Russell said...

I'm going to ask for one for Christmas. A little masochistic, but oh well