Wednesday, August 13, 2008

volume bench

Got stuck in traffic due to some accident so I missed the speed portion of the group's bench workout. Hadn't done much bench volume, so I thought I'd give that a shot.

275 x 5
285 x 5 (PR)
295 x 5 (PRWTFBBQ1)

2-Board Bench:
295 x 5
305 x 5
315 x 5

I was watching Never Enough Bench last night and the first accessory exercise they showed was benching with band-suspended kettle bettles for stability work. Hadn't done that in months, so I thought I'd give it a try again.

Stability Bench: (for lack of a better title)
55 dumbbells w/ green bands, no weight - 4 sets

This was about right. First rep is shaky, then 2-7 are smooth, then things start to get tired and you have to force yourself to keep form. My workout buddy hadn't tried these before, so he jumped in for two sets. He was amazed at how unstable it feels. He's a metal militia-style bencher and brings the weight low and then throws it back into the tracks, so there was a lot of dumbbell swinging for him. We're going experiment with this next week and see how the blues + heavier weight feel.

4 supersets of light flyes + heavy tricep pushdowns
3 supersets of abwheel + jurgens raises2

1 I'm not sure what happened with my bench. Back in May and June, I was hitting 275 for 3 sets and sometimes able to make one of those sets 280, but not consistently. I realized last week that I hit 275 for 6 with an ultra-wide grip so something must have gotten stronger. 295 x 5 was sort of unreal since I'd never done anything close to that. It also reinforces that the miss on the bench at 302 at Raw Nationals was more of a fluke. I checked my weight after the work out, and I'm only 186, so it's not like I'm pushing into the 220s like last summer... Now if I can only get 100 lbs out of my shirt, I can start competing with Phil for bench champion, hahaha!

2 Someone srsly needs to tell me what these things are called because I know they have a name but i've been unable to find it (I've looked too).


Nathan Beckmann said...

1. Nice PR! Wtf happened? Isn't this what you maxed at a equipped meet last year?

2. "Stability bench" is the stupidest exercise anyone has ever thought of.

3. What is a Jurgen's raise again?

Juggernaut, the said...

Yeah, I think I hit 292 equipped last december in Yuba City. Now I rep that? I have no idea what happened. Today may have been a fluke, but we'll find out next week, haha.

It's awesome.

Hang from the pull up bar with your hands at bench-grip width, then use your middle back muscle to rotate your chest up. It's not a pull-up, since you only move like 3". You should feel your body rotate and your feet move forward if you do it right. I'll show you next week in Boston.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

I'm pretty sure what you're doing is a "sub-scap pull-up."

Brent Tanaka said...

Awesome PR Dave! You the man!