Sunday, August 17, 2008

Longest workout ever.

Clean and Jerk 90/2 x 2, 100/2 x 3, 115/1 x 5
Jerk 100/2 x 3, 115/2 x 2 (only got the first rep on these) 126/1 x 4 (missed all)
Clean pull below knee 100/4 x 4, 115/3 x 3
Clean pull from ground 126/2 x 6
Power snatches 72/2 x 6
Front squat 95/3, 110/3, 127/3 x 3
Back squat 105/3, 125/3, 142/3 x 3

115 is 90% of my max but I'm 100% sure I could've completed all of the jerks if I was fresh for them. I was so exhausted by the end of the front squats that I couldn't hold 142 on my back for the back squats. I ended up driving home (about 30 minutes) and finished the last 3 sets at the UCI rec center. After that I ate a meal consisting of 1/3 bag of pasta, chicken breast, rice, and chicken curry until I could barely stand from exhaustion and the bulge of food in my stomach.

This workout lasted about 3 hours, but is the longest and most grueling I'll have to do for a long time. Today concluded the week with the highest volume of the year, so I'm really glad it's over.

Doing workouts of this volume are not typical and I'm actually really happy with my results since I only missed the highest intensity reps. I test my maxes next Saturday and I'm confident I can hit a 105 snatch and a 130 clean and jerk.


Juggernaut, the said...

Are these all in kg?

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Ya. Sorry, I do all my weights in kg now and I'm too lazy to write the conversion. For those of you also too lazy to look it up, it's 2.2Lb/kg

Nathan Beckmann said...

Are you following any specific rest period between sets for this? I know you normally don't rest that much.

Tough break on the jerks, I saw you hit that in San Diego so it must just be the cumulative training load.

Also, is this next week lower volume or totally off? Good luck on Sat.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

This week is just lower volume. I won't have any full weeks off before competition. The weight gets pretty light though. Ya I was really tired for the jerks, I'm sure I could've hit them fresh.

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Oh, and I just go when I feel like it. But since the weight was so high I was taking pretty long rests to start, then by the end I was exhausted so I had to rest even longer.

Nathan Beckmann said...

How do you work peaking into your 2-year plan? Do you have to look for competitions on a particular weekend? (LOL)

Jake Ceccarelli said...

Haha. The simple answer is I just count the workouts from the date of the next competition.

If I feel I can handle more volume than the program is giving me (which I have been) then I actually compress the program to essentially get more of the year finished in a shorter amount of time. I still count the workouts from the date of the next competition, but I use fewer days off.