I felt pretty sore going into this, so it was nice to hit everything. Deload next week, mos def
Speed Bench:
185 + 60 lbs chain, 8 x 3
205 + 60 lbs chain, 1 x 3
Speed is improving, especially the close-grip
Rippetoe-Style* Standing Overhead Press:
*This means: no leaning back, no pushing with the legs, pausing the bar at the bottom to make each rep a concentric contraction, ending the movement with the bar over the head.
185, 3 x 5 (3 sets of 5 reps)
205, 1 x 2
The 205 was an indicator for a weight increase, so hitting is is good!
Bodyweight + 16 lbs chain, 5/5/4/4/3 (21)
Hanging Leg Raises:
Bodyweight, 4 x 5
1 comment:
Your title is for the ages. Also, the children.
Your progress pleases Moon Cat.
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