Monday, August 11, 2008

DE Lower Body

No gear.

Box Squats (below parallel):
265 + 100 lbs chain, 9 x 2

Power Cleans
195 x 6 x 3
Note: close-grip optimal for proper form, otherwise it goes AWOL

Box Jumps (height ~2 inches shorter than tallest box at UCLA):
5 x [3-5] //jump stopped when I felt the stretch reflex die

Standing Ab Pull:
Worked up to 160 x 5

45' Back Raise (bodyweight + empty bar):
2 x 10


Juggernaut, the said...

for cleans, was that 6 sets of 3, or 3 sets of 6?

Phil Russell said...

6 sets of 3 reps (I try to always list as Weight x Sets x Reps)

Cleans are an explosive movement, I don't see any point in doing more than 3 reps with them. They don't benefit from time under tension like the powerlifts, IMO.