Friday, August 29, 2008

ME Upper Body

Reverse Green-Band Flat Bench:
The Cardio Fit power rack doesn't have pins that go as high as UCLA's, so the bands were completely hanging off the bar. What this means is that it was less support than last week, and completely deloaded about where a one-board is.

Work sets:
335 x 1
345 x 1
355 x 1 (a bit of grind)
365 x 1 (easy, no grind)

Rippetoe-Style* Bent-Over Rows:
*This means: lower back is almost parallel with ground, set the weight on the ground after each rep so it's a concentric exercise.

185 x 1 x 5
205 x 3 x 5 (3 sets of 5)

Close-grip Incline Bench:
185, 3 x 8
205, 1 x 2

Standing Ab Pull:
160, 1 x 7
180, 1 x FAIL

That jump to 180 is brutal, need to just use the chains.


Nathan Beckmann said...

Deloaded where a one-board is? That's 2.5'' off your chest. The greens give you like 10# tops with a 2.5'' stretch. Doesn't make sense...why use bands?

Phil Russell said...

Further explanation:

The bands supported the 45 lbs bar just above my chest. 3 inches or so above that, they were slack. So 45 off the chest and almost nothing after 3 inches.