Sunday, March 1, 2009


Weight: 210. Time: 0:30.

Cardio - bike 115-125 bpm x 20 mins

Stretching - hamstrings, seated groin, hip flexors

A few feats of strength I hadn't mentioned before now... Danny does lots of random stuff like this. Here's what I was able to achieve:
- single-hand deadlift, no hook - 225 lbs
- two-finger deadlift, no thumb (fore and middle) - 115 lbs

I *think* I've done 245 single-hand before. And I couldn't manage 135 with two fingers, but 115 was easy. Danny got both of these easily.


Jake Ceccarelli said...

As I warmed up for power cleans I did 2 finger deadlifts (with both hands) up to 95kg. Was tough but I could do more. Didn't go heavier because I wasn't going higher in my workout. Then I realized what you did was with 1 hand.

Nathan Beckmann said...

Hah, nice.