Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Bench Press:
Decided to end this 275 for a triple bullshit once and for all.
275 X 3 (PR son)

Shirted Bench Press:
Busted out the brand new 42 Katana. It was so tight that I had to use a close grip for my first 3 sets because I couldn't get my fingers to touch the rings.
275 X 1 (off 3 board)
300 X 1 (off 3 board)
315 X 1 (off 3 board)
330 X 1 (off 2 board)
Got some good pop on that last rep, hopefully it will transfer over when I eventually touch.

Floor Press:
225 X 5
245 X 5
265 X 5
245 X 8

Weighted Dips:
45lb X 20 (3 sets)

Cable Triceps


Juggernaut, the said...

congrats on the 275 x 3.

Let me know when you're done stretching out that Katana so I can use it, hahaha.

Seriously, I am in need of a decent shirt that isn't like razor wire in my armpits...

Brent Tanaka said...

Get a KATANA and come on down to 4 Star. All 3 of the guys that use that shirt at 4 Star get 100lbs out of it.

Juggernaut, the said...

I would get a stock, but I'm confident the arms wouldn't fit me. I want to see if I can buy a used one somewhere where the arms have been stretched a lot.

Brent Tanaka said...

All that bicep training is messing up the shirt fit. but it's so worth it to have the big guns...

Phil Russell said...

Not everyone can have natural cannons like me, Brent

Juggernaut, the said...

@Phil: those aren't cannons... they're ICBM launchers!