Sunday, March 25, 2012

Matt Buttimer - Alive and Well

Haven't posted in quite a while, so I figured I would give a quick update on my PL pursuits. I have been training as hard as ever and like Vit did a meet yesterday as well. Here is how it went (I competed at 181):

534 3 whites...easy
567 2 reds, 1 white...called for depth, and one of the red lights was from the head judge, who has no business calling depth unless it is egregious, which it was not. It was an easy lift though. I have seen the head judge before at national meets and knew he was tough, bordering on unfair. This blew my hope for going for 600.
573 3 whites (26lb PR)...went up 2.5 kilos just to shove it in the head judges face and I took the squat down WAY below parallel to leave no doubt. This hurt me though as I had a long way to get back up and it was a good 5-6 second grinder - left me gassed.

363 3 whites
385 3 whites
402 3 whites (17lb PR)
Good bench day considering in training I only touched my chest twice. Have been having some elbow/tendon issues in my shirt, but got it seated well for the meet and it didn't become an issue. Might have had another 10-15 lbs left in me.

501 2 whites, 1 red...same judge as from the squats said one of my knees wasn't locked.
540 3 reds...lost my balance near the top and couldn't finish the lift.
540 3 whites...I had pulled 562 back in a meet last November (although I didn't bench in that meet) so I was hoping for more, but that last squat took a lot out of me.

1515 lb total (80 lb meet PR)

All in all a solid day and something to build off of for Men's Nationals.

Also I am about 85% sure I will come out for Collegiates, so I hope to see the UCLA competitors there.


Juggernaut, the said...


Nice job at the meet! Your lifts have gotten crazy strong. I wonder if you can out-bench me at this point (you just tied my meet PR).

Nice job qualifying for Men's Nationals too. 1500 @ 181 is no joke, so it's really impressive.

What was the issue in your shirted training that you didn't touch your chest? Not enough weight, or was the shirt locking up? What shirt are you using these days?

Misael said...

Good job Matt! I feel you on the shirted bench. At Diablo we only use our shirts once or twice before every meet. I always feel unprepared but seem to figure out in the warm up room. Any vids from the meet? Nice to hear from you.

Greg said...

1515! that's amazing. great job, Matt. hope to see you at collegiates

Matt Buttimer said...

Thanks Dave, I am happy with my progress but still not satisfied - there is more strength in me!

I actually got a new shirt for this meet. I had been wearing a 42 angled-sleeve Super Katana, the same one from when I was at UCLA and whenever I got close to touching in it the sleeves put pressure on tendon in my elbow and really irritated it. So I went a size up to a 44, but when I would get within about half an inch to my chest the same thing happened. So in training I would just go as far as I could before the pain hit. I also tried to tuck my elbows in a bit more.

Luckily at the meet I got the sleeves farther up my arm, to the point that they were not putting direct pressure on the tendon. This alleviated all the pain and I was able to have the results I did in the meet. So the key is to make sure the sleeves are higher up on my arm, away from my elbow.

Do you know the rules on adjusted equipment - can I send my shirt to Anderson and get it modified by cutting a half-inch off the sleeve?

Thanks Greg, how is your training going?

Matt Buttimer said...

Sorry Mis, forgot to address you haha.

I think someone got video of my lifts, but I haven't seen them yet. If/when I get them ill be sure to post them.

How is your training going? Any meets in the near furture?

Vit said...

Looks likely you've made some solid progress Matt. Great work. As for your tendon pain, have you tried playing with the location of the arm seem on the sleeve in relation to your elbow tendon when you have your shirt put on?

I'm not sure if this would change anything related to the elbow tendon you're having problems with, but just wanted to bring it up because one of the guys at OCSC was having alot of bicep pain training in his shirt and it was alleviated by having his sleeves turned slightly outwards as the sleeves were being seated on his arms. This just ensured tat the seam wasn't running along the area that was sensitive.

Greg said...

As far as I know about gear modifications, Anderson not only does a really good job, but also knows exactly how to comply with USAPL standards. I would confirm this elsewhere just to be sure but I think a lot of powerlifters from all over send equipment to him.

Misael said...

Training is going well Matt. Moving up to 198s has definitely helped get my numbers up. I gotta look into what meet I'm gonna do next. Probably won't be til after July though.

Ben said...