Thursday, November 6, 2008

David Jurgens/2009 Arnold

Found this off 422 wilks!? squash em dave.


Juggernaut, the said...

I think I'm actually going to do this one. Those guys are all pretty strong so it looks like it will be a good competition.

Plus I'm only 30kg off the leader so I'll be at least in the running. I've easily put 20kg on my squat since then, so maybe I have a shot at a higher ranking.

Brent Tanaka said...

Yea. I still can't believe how much you put on your squat over the summer. It would be awesome if we could all take a trip to the Arnold, it seems like they do a lot of cool stuff there.

Nathan Beckmann said...


Stephen Hokama said...


Juggernaut, the said...

5 x 5 with all those chains is what I think did it for me. It fixed a lot of my form problems too. It's hard to accelerate 160lbs of chains if you aren't in correct form.