Saturday, November 22, 2008

Forgot to post my workouts for this week

P. Sn. 71/3 82/2 x 3 (80%)
Snatch I think I was sore from the squats I did two days before So I ended up doing like 88/1
Sn. Pull 110/2 x 4
Jerk 92/2 107/2 x 3 97/2, 101/2, 105/2, 80/5,5,4 Felt good, getting it in the right spot
Back Squat 125/5 163/3,1 was supposed to do 5 sets, but still too sore to get deep

11-22 (today)
P. Sn 77/3 88/1 x 3
P. Cl. 90/3 x 2
C&J 101/2+1 115/1 x 4
BTN Jerk up to 120, missed 130 twice. Fuck that weight
Overhead supports 130, 140, 140 held for 5 seconds
Basically an overhead 1/4 squat with jerk grip, then just held the bar there
BTN press in jerk split 40/5 x 2 45/5
Good mornings 3 x 3 - 100, 105, 105

Went to Mike's Gym to get some coaching from Mike. He suggested the overhead supports and BTN jerks. The problem seems to be actually supporting the weight overhead like I said before so I'm going to try fixing that instead of doing row/pull ups and stuff. We'll see how it works.

On good mornings I did them with almost straight legs (maybe 10-15 degree bend in the knees at the bottom to facilitate a flat back). I never do round-back good mornings because you never round in weightlifting. for powerlifting though they have a place, even though I still think if you get flexbile enough to never round your back in the squat you are better off. For the deadlift a rounded upper back is ok because it essentially lengthens your arms, but a round lower back is never acceptable.

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