Friday, November 28, 2008


I came into today with my only plan to work on the right adductor. Thats why all this is so random, but I accomplished what wanted. Right adductor feels great.

Warm up - walking - 3 mins

A: Abductors - 150x20x2
A: Adductors - 90x20x2

The adductor machine gets the wrong adductors (there's a lot of them), so I don't think its very helpful.

Sumo deadlifts - 135x10x3

This is how I pulled the adductor, so "great success!" as they say.

Rack pulls (conventional) - 225x5, 315x5, 365x5x3

B: Dumbell bench - 80x5, 95x5x2
B: Cable row - 215x10, 250x10x2

C: Cable pushdowns - 60x20, 100x20
C: Pullups - BW x5x2

Honestly don't know what I was doing at this point.

Flexibility - Seated groin (been doing this all day), hamstrings, hip flexors

Cardio - bike - 135-140 bpm x15 mins

This is the same setting that put me at 150bpm yesterday. Guess I'm getting better. Or maybe its because I had no food or water yesterday before going to the gym.

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