Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Because of the holiday and my being a little sick, we're going to start the cycle next week. This week I just do random recovery stuff. Today was loosely based on a Sheiko squat day.

Squat 45x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x10, 275x5x3

Left hip still felt bad. This isn't a weight issue, because it actually feels better as the weight increases. I think it's a hip mobility issue. When I wear a belt, it's less of a problem. I think this is because my core doesn't cave in at all.

Bench 135x5, 165x5, 185x5, 205x5

A: Hip abductor machine 150 (full stack) x20x3

A: Good mornings 135x5x3

Cardio - bike 150 bpm x 15 mins

This setting was only giving me ~130 bpm a week ago. Fail.


Hip flexors


Seated groin


So I took last week off in order to rest. I was planning on going into the gym to do random cardio/rehab stuff. This didn't work out because the biggest conference in my field had a paper deadline today at 4pm, and me and another guy had started the entire research project 2 weeks ago. So I basically had no life for the last week, but we got the paper submitted.

I didn't get much sleep over the trip to LA, and I certainly didn't get much last week. With the weather dropping to ~30 degrees during the day and ~20 at night, this was a recipe for disaster. I came down with a cold on Saturday, which sucked balls. Luckily I managed 10 hrs of sleep that night, and I only really had one bad day of it (Sunday). So today I was super clogged with mucous, and one of my squat sets I hacked a huge green loogie on the platform. I don't think anyone noticed.

Now I go on vacation again until next Tuesday. I need it.

PS> I tried to think of random stuff to do today, but I've just been squatting/benching/deadlifting for so long that this was all I could think of.

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